Thursday 20 July 2017

Thursday News: Nine months late


ROBERT PITTENGER ANGRY BECAUSE HIS INCOMPETENCE IS POINTED OUT: Cooper requested $929 million in aid from the federal government’s latest funding bill in April. Congress approved $8.2 billion for emergency and disaster relief as part of the $1 trillion spending deal, but HUD awarded North Carolina only $6.1 million – less than 1 percent of Cooper’s request – setting off a minor partisan squabble in what has been a largely bipartisan effort to deliver dollars for North Carolina. Cooper, a Democrat, called it “an incredible failure by the Trump administration and congressional leaders to turn their backs.” “Shame on the governor,” said Republican Rep. Robert Pittenger, whose district includes Robeson County and the majority of Cumberland and Bladen counties. “(Cooper) threw us under the bus like we weren’t doing our job.”

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