Thursday 20 July 2017

Oh, Cary. Flat-Earthers to attend conference in Triangle

But if you fly here in a jet at 27,500 feet, and look out the window...*sigh* Never mind:

The Flat Earth International Conference will be Nov. 9-10 at the Embassy Suites off of Harrison Avenue. The event’s 525 tickets sold out in May, according to organizer Robbie Davidson. But he’s working with the venue to accommodate 50 to 60 more people.

Alternative theories about the planet’s shape vary within the flat-earth community. But most globe skeptics contend the earth is a disc surrounded by an ice wall, otherwise known as Antarctica, and that the sun and moon are lighted orbs that move around a dome that encloses the disc.

File this one under, "It's even crazier than you thought." A dome? With lighted orbs? I have so many questions, but probably the most nagging question is: How can these people actually have jobs that would allow them to afford going to the Embassy Suites for anything other than directions to their psychiatrist's office? Scratch that, they wouldn't be able to afford a psychiatrist, either.

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