Thursday 20 April 2017

Let’s talk about NC State’s roster now that Al Freeman is on board

On to the next iteration.

The new college hoops reality is that a whole lot changes every spring—it’s become the action semester of the sport. Kids earn their degrees and leave for more playing time elsewhere; kids decide they don’t fit into their coach’s current scheme and transfer; “premier” and confidence-lacking recruits wait for all of those things to sort themselves out before picking a college.

With the addition of Al Freeman, here is what NC State’s roster looks like, based on what we know exactly this instant:

1: Markell Johnson, Lavar Batts
2: Al Freeman
3: Torin Dorn, Shaun Kirk,
4: Abdul-Malik Abu, Ted Kapita, Darius Hicks
5: Lennard Freeman

Who knows?: Omer Yurtseven, Terry Henderson

Could be a fun team. The flexibility that Kevin Keatts wants is not there, but this is a group that can be pretty good, especially since there is no stopping Ted Kapita’s breakout year. Nobody needed a coaching change more than Ted Kapita, and nobody will benefit more from it than Kapita. That’s enough to get me excited to see what happens this season.

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