Thursday 13 April 2017

Activists blame DCCC for loss in Kansas Congressional race

The establishment is always a handy punching bag:

After a longshot Democratic candidate came within seven points of winning a Kansas district that has been Republican for more than 20 years, progressive strategists blamed the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for not putting enough money and resources into the race, and national operatives more broadly for too little attention.

"To the Washington Democratic insiders who wrote this race off before it began, it’s time to wake up and realize that the grassroots expects this resistance effort to be waged unflinchingly in every single county and every single state across the country,” said Jim Dean, president of Democracy for America, a progressive advocacy group.

I saw a lot of excitement about this race on social media over the last several weeks, so about a week ago I decided to look at the demographics in that district. The former incumbent (Mike Pompeo), whom Trump tapped to lead the CIA, had won the last three elections by a whopping 30% margin over his Democratic opponents. Even with a new, virtually unknown Republican running to fill that seat, it would have been almost impossible for a Democrat to win. But Ron Estes had already won a state-wide race for Treasurer, so he was fairly well known. All that being said, the DCCC needs to look at more than just statistics, it also needs to be aware of energy and interest, and be ready to act when opportunities present themselves:

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