Sunday 17 December 2017

Sunday News: From the Editorial pages


WHAT ALABAMA TELLS US: VOTING MATTERS, GERRYMANDERING DISTORTS: Exit polling Tuesday indicated that about 30 percent of the electorate was African-American – a greater share than during the 2008 and 2012 elections with Obama on the ballot. The exit polls indicated that 96 percent of the African-American vote went to Jones. Doug Jones managed to win the election, but carry only one of Alabama’s seven congressional districts. How could that be? Well, here in North Carolina, we know the answer to that all too well: pack as many African-American voters into a single district as possible. In Alabama, two-thirds of the voters in the state’s 7th District are African-American. Nearly a third of all the state’s African-American voters live in that district – meaning that the rest of the state’s African-American voters are scattered among the remaining six districts. As a result, these gerrymandered African-Americans, most of whom happen to be Democrats, see their voting strength is significantly diluted.

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