Tuesday 27 June 2017

Reverse bait & switch: Wind farm moratorium moved from Budget to Energy bill

Laura Leslie at WRAL has the details:

An ambitious attempt to rewrite state laws to expand the solar industry and lower its cost may be in trouble after Senate leaders made big changes to the carefully negotiated deal.

The most controversial provision added by Senate Majority Leader Harry Brown has nothing at all to do with solar energy. It's a moratorium on state permitting for wind-energy projects through Dec. 31, 2020. That provision, filed by Brown as a standalone bill, was also included in the Senate's budget proposal but was not part of the final budget deal.

I would hope that every single Democrat who voted for the earlier versions of this bill will strongly oppose it now, but Republicans should too. It couldn't survive as a standalone piece of Legislation, and it didn't survive being included in the Budget. Brown is basically thumbing his nose at his own people with this move, and they need to put him in his place. And while they're at it, try and figure out what his obsession with destroying wind energy in our state is all about.


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