Wednesday 3 May 2017

NC's coast once again imperiled by offshore drilling


These battles for the environment never seem to end:

President Donald Trump’s move last week to expand offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans rekindles the debate over the viability of oil and gas drilling and seismic testing off the coast of North Carolina.

Trump’s executive order calls for the Department of Interior to return hundreds of miles of federal waters back to eligibility for offshore drilling, areas that were marked off-limits by the Obama administration just last year.

You know, I keep hearing people talking about how Trump's problems with Congress will keep them from doing too much harm, but it's not just Congressional Legislation we need to worry about. In fact, from the fossil fuel industry's point of view, controlling the Executive Branch is probably a hell of a lot cheaper and more effective in getting what they want than courting Senators and Representatives. Hijacking the EPA alone is worth billions to them, and that's not even counting BOEM, National Park Service, Department of the Interior, the FDA, USDA, etc. They can pretty much write their own ticket. And on the offshore drilling front, making a bunch of noise to disorient whales and dolphins and other critters is step #1:

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